Setup email on Nokia E72

Nokia E72 is made for messaging and email is an integral part of it.  With support for Nokia Messaging software , it can access upto  10 email accounts with full html support and even plays Youtube Videos embedded in the email .

The best way to setup email on Nokia E72 is to make an account on , add all the email account you want it to access.  It’s a three setep solution , click new , add email account , click save and you’ll be all set .

On the Nokia E72 , go to email setup and add Nokia Messaging login and password and it will sync with Nokia Messaging server and download all account information and emails itself .

Later you can add or remove email accounts either through phone or the website . Nokia does not store any email on their servers so privacy is guaranteed and deleting email from phone will also delete it from your email server   .

The video below will give you an overview on how to setup Nokia Messaging on your E72